Friday, January 23, 2009

Last Post before Australia Day Handmade Expo

Well I had to throw one more at you before I sign off for a couple of days.

The Handmade Expo is on Australia Day at the Jondaryan Woolshed, (west of Toowoomba, Qld) and not only have I been sewing like crazy to have lots of stock for a stall, I am one of the owners of the Expo, along with my two daughters. Theres lots to do now, so I'm done sewing, I have to concentrate on the business end of the Expo or I'm sure to get the boot!

Hope to see some bloggers, madeit and ETSY gals, make sure you say hi! I am dyeing to put some faces to names!


Chrisy said...

Gorgeous bag...and best of luck out at Jondaryan!

Jetta's Nest said...

Hope you had a great day at the Handmade Expo!

Oh and by the way, there's an award for you over at my blog!!

princess pudge said...

wow, love the inside fabric!! i really love your totes.