Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Weekend wrap up

Friday night saw four generations of my family head into the city ( Brisbane ) to have a look at the Brisstyle Twilight Market in King George Square, being a member of Brisstyle I thought it was about time I did this and I was blown away, as were Liesa, Micky and Mum. ( My grandson was the fourth generation and he was indifferent ! )

Well done to all the girls who had stalls and a special well done to the girls who organise this market, Hasn't it taken off in the city ? The music was great, the lighting and atmosphere electric. Awesome...


Was our very own Handmade Expo Market held on Saturday, Up at 10 to 4 in the morning makes us tired for days !

It was the best market we have ever had for customers and stallholders alike. We had 137 stalls and over 2500 people come through the gate to enjoy the market offerings, steam train rides, Soulman singing his great soul music, great food, flowers, fruit and just a huge array of lovely handmade things, oh not forgetting Wayne the Fireman, ( I'm sure he attracted a few people on the day ). Thanks to the Mayor, for supporting us once again, and to Councillor Andrew Antonelli for coming to judge our Christmas Stall winner too. Dorothy the Dinasoar won the best dressed stall and chose Ipswich Hospice to be the reciprient of the $100 donation.

There'll be more market wrap up on The Handmade Expo blog once all the pics come through from our new photographer, Paula from Minta Entertainment.

Gosh thanks to all who visited bubbachenille on the day, you are awesome too.

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